ISTAD won't start and shows no error message

ISTAD won't start and shows no error message

Suggested solution 1

VC stands for Virtual C, it’s a Microsoft windows component, some windows machines are missing it, or have it corrupted.


Download all the VC packages and install them from here:

Suggested solution 2


If you are seeing the following error or it’s showing under event viewer :


That's a .Net framework error (windows component), fix is easy, here:


The error :

Problem Signature 05:

Points to .Net frame work.

Remove your old .Net framework from under control panel --> programs and

features --> remove .Net Framework 4.5.2


-Download and install the new .Net frame work from here:


If that didn’t help,  please proceed below:



Suggested solution 3


Go to Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features à Turn windows features ON or OFF.


Enable any .Net framework feature, see below:

If all above didn’t help, that means you installed the Software with your Anti-Virus ON and / or the UAC is active


Here is how to avoid that ( for future reference)  :


ü Disable the Windows defender from under control panel and exclude folder C and the Setup files folder from scanning.

ü Turn the UAC OFF, here

Even if the setup finishes, the above two component ( when active) will allow the software to install without the proper privileges and that’s why it fails to start sometimes.


 If all above didn’t fix it, please reach out to our support and start a support ticket.

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