suggested fix:
-Make sure your laptop battery is above %70.
-Make sure you BMW battery is fully charged, hooked up to
a float charger or the engine is running.
Make sure you setup the driver settings as below (after
you install it)
The software uses the COM port stored in the
obd.ini file to communicate with the car, under this directory:
Meaning if the COM port was set
to 9, use port 9 in the first driver settings step above, see below:
panel à system à device manager à Ports (COM & LPT) à right click on communication port 1 ( or whatever the
COM port is)à properties à port setting tab à advanced à set latency timer to 1, set COM port to 9 , save and exit
the VCI settings; see below for BMW E series:
Try the two options on at a time from ISTAD showing
below, under the wrench icon à VCI tab, see below:
ICOM C is being used.
2-Or, PIN 1 is missing from his
Please ask for a picture of
his ICOM C.
PIN 1 from the certified IOM
C will deliver the voltage for KL 15 via PIN 16, see below: